The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform

Admin Demo:: Demo Link (Login using this username/password) Username: demo.admin Password: 123456

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Sngine is a PHP Social Network Platform is the best way to create your own social website or online community. Launch it in just 1 minute with ultimate features. It’s fast, secured, and it will be regularly updated.

Sngine Updated to Version 3.9 (What’s New?) Check Sngine Android App Demo From Here Check Sngine blog for Tutorials and How-to Sngine Blog

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Sngine - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform - 2 Sngine - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform - 3 Sngine - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform - 4 


User Demo::
Demo Link (You can register and test it yourself)

Admin Demo::
Demo Link (Login using this username/password)
Username: demo.admin
Password: 123456
(This account can’t do any action on the demo version)

Admin Moderator::
Demo Link (Login using this username/password)
Username: demo.mod
Password: 123456
(This account can’t do any action on the demo version)


  • Apache, Nginx or IIS Sever
  • PHP 7.4+ and MySQL 5.0+ (Sngine also supports PHP 8+ and MySQL 8+)
  • PHP Extensions: mysqlimbstring & curl
  • PHP Library: GD
  • PHP Funcrions: allow_url_fopen() & mail()
  • SSL certificate (Required if you want to enable Audio/Video calls or live streaming or to build the mobile apps)

Change Log / Updates

Version 3.9 05-06-2023

  • [Updated] Documentation
  • [Updated] System Security
  • [Updated] System Optimization
  • [Updated] Sngine PHP Dependencies
  • [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies
  • [Added] Migrate to Bootstrap v5+
  • [Added] New Default Theme
  • [Added] Fluid Design Option
  • [Added] Admin ability to turn Fluid Design Option On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Change Icons Colors [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] New Social Login via WordPress
  • [Added] New System Ads Slot For Specific Pages
  • [Added] New System Ads Slot For Specific Groups
  • [Added] Emojis Menu Lazy Loading
  • [Added] MoneyPoolsCash Automatic Withdrawal Payments
  • [Added] Movies Pay Per View Module
  • [Added] Switch Accounts
  • [Added] Share Stories As Ads
  • [Added] Videos Categories
  • [Added] Manage Videos Categories [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Manage Custom Users Groups [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Manage Permissions Groupss [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Pro Packages With Permissions Groups [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Pro Packages With Picked Videos Categories Access [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Pro Packages With Picked Blogs Categories Access [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Admin ability to turn Verification Docs On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Make “Boosted” Posts Visible To Website Visitors
  • [Added] Uploads Permission for Non-Logged In Users
  • [Fixed] Minor Bugs
  • [Fixed] Games Genres Issue
  • [Fixed] Publisher Privacy Dropdown Menu in Mobile
  • [Fixed] Video Player Aspect Ratio
  • [Fixed] Stripe with JPY currency
  • [Fixed] Backup contains content\backups folder
  • [Fixed] Facebook Embed Responsive Issue

Version 3.8 31-03-2023

  • [Updated] Documentation
  • [Updated] System Security
  • [Updated] System Optimization
  • [Updated] Sngine PHP Dependencies
  • [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies
  • [Added] New Landing Page Design
  • [Added] Watch Module
  • [Added] Tips Module
  • [Added] Content Monetization Custom Plans Module
  • [Added] Reactions Order [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Allow Animated Images for Avatars/Covers
  • [Added] Admin ability to turn Animated Images On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Games Genres
  • [Added] Discover Pages by Categories
  • [Added] Discover Groups by Categories
  • [Added] Discover Events by Categories
  • [Added] Discover Games By Genres
  • [Added] Edit Pages Description SEO [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Edit Groups Description SEO [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Edit Events Description SEO [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Edit Games Description SEO [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Manage DayTime Messages [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] List Marketplace Posts [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Backbalze New Location [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Moneypoolscash Payment Gateway
  • [Added] Show Ads Campaigns for Non-logged-in Members
  • [Fixed] Pages Fake Generator
  • [Fixed] Bank Transfers Accept [Admin Panel]
  • [Fixed] Highcharts.js Translation [Admin Panel]
  • [Fixed] Group Cover Image Position Issue
  • [Fixed] Post Title With Feelings Issue
  • [Fixed] Super Admin Can’t Be Demo Account
  • [Fixed] Dark Logo If Not Uploaded
  • [Fixed] Advanced Search With Empty Query Links Issue
  • [Fixed] Friends Count To Exclude Banned Users
  • [Fixed] Posts limit/hours for articles
  • [Fixed] Fullname in Forums if Usernames Only Enabled
  • [Fixed] Deleting Comments When Post Deleted
  • [Fixed] Deleting Article Cover Image When Article Deleted
  • [Fixed] Pinned Post Twice Views
  • [Fixed] Promoted Jobs Not Open
  • [Fixed] Images & Videos Aspect Ratio

Version 3.7 01-01-2023

  • [Updated] Documentation
  • [Updated] System Security
  • [Updated] System Optimization
  • [Updated] Sngine PHP Dependencies
  • [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies
  • [Added] Content Monetization for [Profiles|Pages|Groups]
  • [Added] Manage Reactions [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Add Follower/Followings Privacy Settings
  • [Added] Ads Free System for Pro Accounts
  • [Added] Admin ability to turn Ads Free System On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Posts Count in [Profile|Page|Group|Event]
  • [Added] Photos Count in [Profile|Page|Group|Event]
  • [Added] Videos Count in [Profile|Page|Group|Event]
  • [Added] Who can Send Gifts [Everyone|Verified|Pro|Admins]
  • [Added] Who can Upload Videos [Everyone|Verified|Pro|Admins]
  • [Added] Who can Upload Audios [Everyone|Verified|Pro|Admins]
  • [Added] Who can Upload Files [Everyone|Verified|Pro|Admins]
  • [Added] Who can Add Colored Posts [Everyone|Verified|Pro|Admins]
  • [Added] Who can Add Feelings/Activity Posts [Everyone|Verified|Pro|Admins]
  • [Added] Who can Add Poll Posts [Everyone|Verified|Pro|Admins]
  • [Added] Who can Add Geolocation Posts [Everyone|Verified|Pro|Admins]
  • [Added] Who can Add GIF Posts [Everyone|Verified|Pro|Admins]
  • [Added] Who can Post As Anonymous [Everyone|Verified|Pro|Admins]
  • [Added] Stripe New Checkout APIs
  • [Added] Dark|Light Logo [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Mixcloud Support
  • [Added] Backblaze Bucket Region “eu-central-003” [Admin Panel]
  • [Fixed] FastCGI Issue
  • [Fixed] Pro System Charts in Admin Panel
  • [Fixed] Pro Earning of Current Month
  • [Fixed] Disabled Currencies in Admin Panel
  • [Fixed] Auto Followings Check
  • [Fixed] Quick Search Log Check
  • [Fixed] Delete Original Video After FFmpeg Convert
  • [Fixed] Backups Function
  • [Fixed] Campaign Potential Reach
  • [Fixed] RazorPay Issue
  • [Fixed] Stories Preview Issue with Videos
  • [Fixed] Mass Notifications Extrenal Link Open New Tab
  • [Fixed] Minor Bugs

Version 3.6.3 12-10-2022

  • [Fixed] Categories Translation
  • [Fixed] FFmpeg issue with Cloud Saving
  • [Fixed] Minor Bugs

Version 3.6.2 20-09-2022

  • [Updated] Sngine Default Theme Colors
  • [Added] New Post Reactions Images
  • [Fixed] Minor Bugs

Version 3.6.1 12-09-2022

  • [Fixed] Newsfeed Countries Issue
  • [Fixed] @mentions Issue
  • [Fixed] Save To Cloud Storage Issue
  • [Fixed] Vkontakte Adaptor Issue
  • [Fixed] Tinymce Uploading Images Issue
  • [Fixed] Custom CSS Colors Issue
  • [Fixed] Minor Bugs

Version 3.6 01-09-2022

  • [Updated] Documentation
  • [Updated] System Security
  • [Updated] System Optimization
  • [Updated] Sngine PHP Dependencies
  • [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies
  • [Added] Move Sngine JS Dependencies to NPM
  • [Added] FFMPEG Support
  • [Added] Admin ability to turn FFMPEG On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] All Comments Sorting in Comments
  • [Added] Backblaze Cloud Storage
  • [Added] Manage Reserved Usernames [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Profile Image Required While Sign Up On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Location Data Required While Sign Up On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Education Data Required While Sign Up On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Work Data Required While Sign Up On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Allow Special Characters in Names [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Share the post to Event
  • [Added] Publish Articles Inside Pages
  • [Added] Publish Articles Inside Groups
  • [Added] Publish Articles Inside Events
  • [Added] Posts Views System
  • [Added] Admin ability to turn Posts Views System On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Points/Post View in Points System
  • [Added] Custom Countries for Auto-Friend Feature
  • [Added] Custom Countries for Auto-Follow Feature
  • [Added] Custom Countries for Auto-Like Feature
  • [Added] Custom Countries for Auto-Join Feature
  • [Added] Native Emojis Support
  • [Added] Newsfeed Location Filter
  • [Added] Admin ability to Enable/Disable Any Currency [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Pro Package Badge with Comments
  • [Added] Video.js Langauges
  • [Added] New Ads Positions Under The Post & Article
  • [Added] Stories Preview
  • [Fixed] Agora Cloud Recording
  • [Fixed] Wasabi Files Delete After Deleting The Post
  • [Fixed] Update Pages, Groups & Events Counters When Delete User
  • [Fixed] Default Website Description Translation
  • [Fixed] Scraper Bug
  • [Fixed] Dark Mode Pagination Colors
  • [Fixed] Live Video Screenshot
  • [Fixed] Video Calls UI
  • [Fixed] User Online Bug
  • [Fixed] Offers Date Format Match System Date Format
  • [Fixed] Delete Album Photos After Load More
  • [Fixed] Minor Bugs

Version 3.5 05-06-2022

  • [Updated] Documentation
  • [Updated] System Security
  • [Updated] System Optimization
  • [Updated] Sngine Libs
  • [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies
  • [Added] Move libs to Composer
  • [Added] Razorpay Payment Method
  • [Added] Cashfree Payment Method
  • [Added] Coinbase Payment Method
  • [Added] SecurionPay Payment Method
  • [Added] Live Streaming on Pages
  • [Added] Live Streaming on Groups
  • [Added] Live Streaming on Events
  • [Added] Copy Post Link to Clipboard
  • [Added] Account Activation Required
  • [Added] Admin ability to turn Activation Required On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] @mentions Now Support Any Language
  • [Added] Translate Site Title To User Language
  • [Added] Google Cloud Storage
  • [Added] Admin ability to turn Google Cloud Storage On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Category Name with Product Details
  • [Added] Report Categories and Report Reason
  • [Added] Admin ability to Manage Report Categories [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Admin ability to Manage HTML support in Rich Text Editor [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Search Box in Blogs Module
  • [Added] Different Currencies per Product
  • [Added] Remove Upload Limits for Admins/Mods
  • [Fixed] Re-Share Public Group Post
  • [Fixed] Blog Comments For Visitors
  • [Fixed] Delete Reports If Content Already Deleted
  • [Fixed] Translation [Select All|Deselect All|Nothing Selected] in Ads Manager
  • [Fixed] Multiple Select Custom Field Value
  • [Fixed] Lightbox Arrows Directions in RTL Languages
  • [Fixed] Video loaded with “View X New Posts” Not Playing
  • [Fixed] Edit Comment reflected on Replies Bug
  • [Fixed] Adblock Detector
  • [Fixed] Videos
  • [Fixed] Banned.Video Videos
  • [Fixed] Brighteon Videos
  • [Fixed] Mutual Friends Loader
  • [Fixed] User Name on Video/Audio Calls
  • [Fixed] Disabled Countries Issue
  • [Fixed] Minor Bugs

Version 3.4 10-02-2022

  • [Updated] Documentation
  • [Updated] System Security
  • [Updated] System Optimization
  • [Updated] Sngine Libs [AWS|HTMLPurifier|PHPMailer|SimpleImage|Stripe|Twilio]
  • [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies [tagify]
  • [Added] Wasabi Cloud Storage
  • [Added] Free Trial Pro Packages
  • [Added] Sorting in Jobs
  • [Added] Filter by location in Jobs
  • [Added] Sorting in Offers
  • [Added] Filter by location in Offers
  • [Added] Filter by location in Marketplace
  • [Added] Pro Packages Order
  • [Added] Newsfeed Module Publicly Accessible
  • [Added] Admin ability to turn Newsfeed Public On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Pages Module Publicly Accessible
  • [Added] Groups Module Publicly Accessible
  • [Added] Events Module Publicly Accessible
  • [Added] Games Module Publicly Accessible
  • [Added] Developers Module Publicly Accessible
  • [Added] Photos in Lightbox Mode Publicly Accessible
  • [Added] Allow Uploading .webp Images
  • [Added] Max Results for Marketplace [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Max Results for Offers [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Max Results for Jobs [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Max Results for Games [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Max Results for Search [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Advanced Search System (Load More Results)
  • [Added] Auto-Play Videos
  • [Added] Admin ability to turn Auto-Play Videos On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Copy Affiliates Link to Clipboard
  • [Added] Languages Order
  • [Added] Countries Module [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Default System Country
  • [Added] Multiple Select Custom Field
  • [Added] Custom Fields for Products
  • [Added] Custom Fields for Jobs
  • [Added] Custom Fields for Offers
  • [Added] Search With Custom Fields
  • [Added] Twitch Profile URL
  • [Added] Save Button on Edit Post
  • [Added] Save Button on Edit Comment
  • [Added] Login Modal for User Actions (Add Friend, Like Page … etc)
  • [Added] Validations on all admin -> categories add/edit modules
  • [Fixed] Post/Photo Privacy Check Error
  • [Fixed] Censored Words Bug
  • [Fixed] Voice Notes Bug
  • [Fixed] Directory Orphan Data Bug
  • [Fixed] Album Title Translation
  • [Fixed] Article Category Name Translation
  • [Fixed] Forums Names Translation
  • [Fixed] Custom Pro Package Message Translation
  • [Fixed] Custom Field Label Translation
  • [Fixed] Ban Super Admin
  • [Fixed] Long Vertical Images
  • [Fixed] Long Vertical Videos
  • [Fixed] Lightbox Close Button
  • [Fixed] Add/Edit System Ads Dropdown Menu
  • [Fixed] Remove user from all joined groups/events when delete user
  • [Fixed] Minor Bugs

Version 3.3 25-11-2021

  • [Updated] Documentation
  • [Updated] System Security
  • [Updated] System Optimization
  • [Updated] Sngine PHP Dependencies [AWS|GettextTranslator|PHPMailer|Smarty|Stripe|Twilio]
  • [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies [easytimer|tagify|tinymce]
  • [Added] View X New Posts in Newsfeed
  • [Added] Multi-Level Affiliates System
  • [Added] ADS Approval System
  • [Added] Position of the Currency Symbol (Left|Right)
  • [Added] Voice Note Encoding (MP3|OGG|WAV)
  • [Added] Voice Note Duration
  • [Added] Uploads CDN
  • [Added] Custom Ban Message
  • [Added] Custom Pro Package Message
  • [Added] Upgraded Page after Buying Pro Package
  • [Added] Fake Pages Generator
  • [Added] Fake Groups Generator
  • [Added] Points/Follower in Points System
  • [Added] Points/Referred in Points System
  • [Added] Max Results for Newsfeed Posts [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Max Results for Pages [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Max Results for Groups [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Max Results for Events [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Phone Code in Signup Form
  • [Added] Lightbox Download Button
  • [Added] Translate Countries Names
  • [Added] Translate Package Name in Packages Page
  • [Added] Translate Blog Categories in Article Page
  • [Added] Show Stories From All Users
  • [Fixed] Max Posts Limit for Pages
  • [Fixed] Header/Footer Ads
  • [Fixed] Donate Permission
  • [Fixed] Header Menu Scroll
  • [Fixed] Forum Thread/Reply Username Bug
  • [Fixed] Languages Menu CSS
  • [Fixed] Recorded Audio in IOS
  • [Fixed] Lightbox UI
  • [Fixed] Scraper Bug
  • [Fixed] Back Home After Deleting Post
  • [Fixed] User Biography Mutiple Lines
  • [Fixed] Minor Bugs

Version 3.2.1 25-08-2021

  • [Fixed] Edit user bug
  • [Fixed] Audio/Video Calls & Live Streaming on IOS
  • [Fixed] Agora Live Stream Recording
  • [Fixed] PayStack 404 Error
  • [Fixed] Minor Bugs

Version 3.2 15-08-2021

  • [Updated] Documentation
  • [Updated] System Security
  • [Updated] System Optimization
  • [Updated] Sngine Libs [Agora|AWS|Embed|FtpClient|GettextTranslator|GoogleAuthenticator|PHPMailer|Stripe|Twilio]
  • [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies [jQuery|Agora|autosize|bootstrap.colorpicker|codemirror|easytimer|tagify|tinymce]
  • [Updated] Sngine CSS Dependencies [Font-Awesome]
  • [Added] UI Enhancements
  • [Added] Invitations System
  • [Added] Factory Reset [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Demo Account Mode
  • [Added] Sub-Categories (Infinite Levels) for Pages
  • [Added] Sub-Categories (Infinite Levels) for Groups
  • [Added] Sub-Categories (Infinite Levels) for Events
  • [Added] Sub-Categories (Infinite Levels) for Blogs
  • [Added] Sub-Categories (Infinite Levels) for Marketplace
  • [Added] Sub-Categories (Infinite Levels) for Offers
  • [Added] Sub-Categories (Infinite Levels) for Jobs
  • [Added] Sub-Categories (Infinite Levels) for Developers Apps
  • [Added] Google Play Store Badge on Landing Page
  • [Added] Huawei AppGallery Badge on Landing Page
  • [Added] Apple App Store Badge on Landing Page
  • [Added] “Subscription is Required” Message if Subscription is enabled
  • [Added] Remove Relationship from Find People if disabled from admin panel
  • [Added] Remove Relationship from Ads Campaigns if disabled from admin panel
  • [Added] Remove Relationship from Privacy Settings if disabled from admin panel
  • [Added] Remove Work Info from Privacy Settings if disabled from admin panel
  • [Added] Remove Location Info from Privacy Settings if disabled from admin panel
  • [Added] Remove Education Info from Privacy Settings if disabled from admin panel
  • [Added] Twemoji-amazing instead of outdated twemoji-awesome with 3500+ emojis
  • [Added] Super Admin Account can’t be edited/deleted
  • [Added] Delete Button in Edit Page Edit [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Delete Button in Edit Group Edit [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Delete Button in Edit Event Edit [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Refund the user when admin rejects Wallet Withdrawal Request
  • [Added] Refund the user when admin rejects Affiliates Withdrawal Request
  • [Added] Refund the user when admin rejects Points Withdrawal Request
  • [Added] Refund the user when admin rejects Funding Withdrawal Request
  • [Fixed] Live Stream on Mobile & Update Agora SDK to v4.x
  • [Fixed] Audio/Video Calls & Update Twilio SDK to v2.x
  • [Fixed] Add more photos in albums
  • [Fixed] Share posts to groups with approval system
  • [Fixed] Reactions on iPad
  • [Fixed] Google Maps Auto-complete
  • [Fixed] Link Scraper
  • [Fixed] Readmore.js Height
  • [Fixed] Video/Audio Views for Shared Post
  • [Fixed] Minor Bugs

Version 3.1 30-05-2021

  • [Updated] Documentation
  • [Updated] System Security
  • [Updated] System Optimization
  • [Updated] Sngine Libs [AWS|Embed|GettextTranslator|HybridAuth|MobileDetect|PHPMailer|SimpleImage|Smarty|Spaces|Stripe|Twilio]
  • [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies [autosize|bootstrap.colorpicker|codemirror|easytimer|mustache|tagify|tinymce]
  • [Updated] Sngine CSS Dependencies [Font-Awesome]
  • [Added] Add Button in Header
  • [Added] Funding System
  • [Added] Paystack Payments
  • [Added] Msg91 SMS Gateway
  • [Added] Stories Permission (Only Admins, Only Admins and Pro User or Everyone) [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Ads Permission (Only Admins, Only Admins and Pro User or Everyone) [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Audio Calls Permission (Only Admins, Only Admins and Pro User or Everyone) [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Video Calls Permission (Only Admins, Only Admins and Pro User or Everyone) [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] View All Posts Option [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Invite by Phone Number
  • [Added] Share Posts from Public Groups
  • [Added] Share Posts from Public Events
  • [Added] Edit Name Minimum Length [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Change Modules Descriptions from Admin Panel [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Hide Banned Users from Search Results
  • [Added] Hide Banned Users from Friends, Followings & Followers List
  • [Added] Hide Banned User’s Posts
  • [Added] Display Package Name when hover on Pro Badge
  • [Added] Honeypot Check to stop Spammers
  • [Fixed] Remove Location Permission [Android App]
  • [Fixed] Google login issue [Android App]
  • [Fixed] Event’s date Translation
  • [Fixed] OneSignal Push Notifications
  • [Fixed] URL in user first|last name
  • [Fixed] Youtube scaper height
  • [Fixed] Genders Translation
  • [Fixed] Theme must be enabled to work as default theme
  • [Fixed] Chat issue when with blocked user
  • [Fixed] Minor Bugs

Version 3.0 31-01-2021

  • [Updated] Documentation
  • [Updated] System Security
  • [Updated] System Optimization
  • [Updated] Sngine Libs [AWS|Embed|Faker|FTP|HybridAuth|MobileDetect|PHPMailer|SimpleImage|Smarty|Stripe|Twilio]
  • [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies [bootstrap.datetimepicker|codemirror|easytimer|moment|mustache|tinymce]
  • [Updated] Sngine CSS Dependencies [Bootstrap|Font-Awesome]
  • [Added] Changed DB from MYISAM to INNODB
  • [Added] Background Thread for time-consuming tasks like send newsletter, garbage collector …etc
  • [Added] Theme Switcher
  • [Added] Wallet Withdrawals
  • [Added] Admin ability to turn the Wallet Withdrawals On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Manage Genders [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Gender Privacy
  • [Added] Sorting in Marketplace
  • [Added] Delete For Everyone with Chat
  • [Added] Links to Custom Fields
  • [Added] Changing Username/Name remove the Verification Badge
  • [Added] Show only Usernames instead of Full Names [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Admin ability to turn Find by Location On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Disable Friend Request After Decline On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Hide profile info from settings and profile page [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Set Stories Duration [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Show the user max file size to upload
  • [Added] Desktop Infinite Scroll [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Different description for each module [SEO]
  • [Added] Jobs & Offers to Directory [SEO]
  • [Added] No-follow to links in the posts [SEO]
  • [Added] Added Pages Category Description [SEO]
  • [Added] Added Groups Category Description [SEO]
  • [Added] Added Events Category Description [SEO]
  • [Added] Added Offers Category Description [SEO]
  • [Added] Added Jobs Category Description [SEO]
  • [Added] Added Blogs Category Description [SEO]
  • [Added] Added Marketplace Category Description [SEO]
  • [Fixed] Minor Bugs
  • [Fixed] FTP uploads CORS issue
  • [Fixed] Twitch Embed issue
  • [Fixed] Page reply to the comment notification
  • [Fixed] Anonymous photos showing in user profile & albums
  • [Removed] Instagram Login

08 June 2023 18:30:24


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